My Missionary Adventure: Two Weeks in the Life of Sister LeRoy

I was gonna write a separate email for my first week as a missionary but I feel like it's to late so I'm just gonna combine the 2 weeks into one email lol. So let's get into it 

Monday January 8th: Today WAS THE DAY. It was my first offical day as a missionary. I started Home MTC (missionary training) and I was actually a little nervous. I've heard mix feelings about home mtc. But it ended up being super good! It was a longggg day though. I'm on zoom calls for over 6 hours everyday but I met my district (group) and everyone is super cool. I also met my companion and she is super sweet. She is from Texas and we are both going to Billings Montana for our missions!

Everyone in my district:

Me (Sister LeRoy)

Sister Simonsen 

Sister Gabbitas

Elder Ashby 

Elder Vernon

Elder Esplin

Elder Bird

Elder Morris 

Elder Malley

Elder James

Elder Simpson 

Tuesday January 9th: Today was my P-day (preparation day) I didn't have any zoom calls so it was a day I could start packing and preparing for my mission. I hung out with my family all day and got some aubergine for my last time since they don't have one in Montana :(

Wednesday January 10th: This was my 2nd day of zooms, 3rd day as a missionary! I woke up feeling exhausted. I don't know why but my sleep schedule was all over the place. I remember I went to the couch to take a quick 20 min nap since we were on a 30 min break and I accidentally pressed snooze on my alarm. Luckily my dad was right there and said "Kesley isnt your class starting rn" My class was at 1:30 and my dad told me that at 1:29. So I ran to my room to get on my call. Thanks dad lol 

Thursday January 11th: It was my 3rd day on zoom and tbh it was kind of a rough day. I had so much stuff on my schedule and it started stressing me out. It may have been a sad day but sometimes you got to have those days to have good day! On a positive note I did find out that the other girl in our district had her start date changed so the girl that was supposed to be her companion is now our companion so we have 3 people in our companionship now! We are a trio and I actually love it. It's been so much fun and makes conversations with people so much easier.

Friday January 12th: Today was much better than yesterday! Again we just had zoom calls and I got to know my district better. 

Saturday January 13th: Again just zoom calls and some more training 

Sunday January 14th: I had another day off of zoom calls because it was Sunday. I went to church and packed some more stuff for my mission

Monday January 15th: IT WAS MY LAST DAY OF ZOOM CALLS!!! Instead of my two zoom calls I only had 1 and we talked a lot about getting ready to go to the actual MTC (Missionary Training Center). I leave for the MTC Wednesday. 

Tuesday January 16th: This was probably the most stressful day ever. I thought I was prepared but I wasn't. I hung out with my family almost all day because I wanted to spend as much time as I could with them, I uploaded lots of my stuff I needed to uploaded before I left, and I needed to pack a whole year and half worth of stuff in 3 suitcases. I ended up procrastinating a ton of stuff and stayed up until almost 1 AM packing all my clothes. I may or may have not over packed... haha oops.

Wednesday January 17th: This was the hardest day of my life. I was officially leaving to go to the MTC and I was full of so many emotions. I was  nervous, excited, sad, scared, happy. All of the emotions you think of. Leaving my family was the hardest part. My mom and I probably made a pool with how much tears we shed. I really started bawling my eyes out when I was saying bye to my family next to the temple and I saw Reese/Perri starting to cry. I'm gonna miss my family so much but I know I will see them again soon. After getting dropped off, one of the sister missionaries helped me grab my luggage. I started walking away with my eyes all red and tears filling up my eyes and the sister missionary told me "You got it! That was the hardest part." That made me feel a little better. She took me to my room I'm gonna be staying in for 2 weeks and I met my companions for the first time in person! It was so funny because over zoom you can't tell how tall or short people are. One of my companions is 5"3 and the other is 5"8. I'm 5"5 so I'm right in the middle haha. We went to our first class and I got to meet my whole district (so all the Elders) Everyone is literally sooo cool. It made my day so much better and honestly it feels like I've known them my whole life. They are all soo funny. The whole day I couldn't stop laughing. 

That night after this little devotional we had, we all went to walk around campus. We were all next to this trash can when Elder Morris said "Hey look it's Elder Malley!" And me being literally an airhead said "Wait what?" And started looking in the trash can thinking he threw something in it. Then Elder Morris was like "It's because he's trash" and I was like "Ohhhhhhh" and then and then everyone started laughing at me... Like why the heck did it take me so long to get that joke hahaha. Now everyday since then they always bring it up and won't let me live it down. 

Thursday January 18th: It was my first full day at the MTC. We had a pretty busy schedule. We went to the Provo City Center Temple to do some baptisms. Funny story about that... Our appointment was at 9:00 am. They wanted us to apparently be there an hour early. So our teacher told us to meet in the classroom at 7:50 so we could hop on a bus and go. Well my companions and I and Elder Vernon and Elder Bird were in the classroom right on time. Elder Vernon told us that he saw all the other Elders getting breakfast when they left. So we sat there for 20 ish minutes hoping they would come. We started texting the chat asking where they were. They responded asking us where to meet so I told them the classroom. The last thing I told them to was  "RUN!!" and then we never heard anything after that. We waited like 10 more mins and none of them showed up. So we just decided to go. We were all sad because we were hoping to do this all as a district. Well we got to the temple and took some pictures. Then went down to the room we needed to go to. Right when we walked into the door.. ALL OF THE ELDERS WERE THERE! All of our faces dropped and we all started laughing. We were so happy to see them and it turns out they were sitting there for 45 mins waiting for us. We found out that when you leave the mtc you lose internet and so they had no way of contacting us. They were just hoping we would show up lol. It was hilarious and the temple turned out to be so much fun! 

Friday January 19th: 2nd day at the MTC! Today we went to the temple again. And yes we all left together as a district this time haha. Later that night we had a meeting with the Branch President and guess what! My companions and I got called to be Sister Training Leaders. Basically we just check up on any other sister missionaries who need help! 

Saturday January 20th: Yay for Saturday!! We had some classes today so it was kinda boring haha. But my whole district schedule a time to go play pickle ball/volleyball. It was so much fun. I forgot how much I love to play pickle ball. 

Sunday January 21st: Today was a BUSY day. We had church with my district which was fun! Then after we had this thing called the "Go and Do Experience." Where we had 2 hours to do personal study. That's when I started writing this email!! After our personal study, a few people in my district wanted the whole district to do choir. A lot of us including me weren't sure about it haha. I've never done choir or anything and never planned to but looks like I'm in choir now! We got there and sang "I Feel My Saviors Love." It was fun to sing but now my throat hurt lol. Turns out we sing this song for Tuesdays devotional so I'll update you next week to tell you how it goes haha!!

Anyways so sorry for the long email. I promise the next one won't be this long lol. I can't wait to see what this next week has in store for me. Here is a scripture that I love! It's actually our district scripture and the scripture I put on my missionary plaque!

1 Nephi 4: 6

"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do" 

 Some fun pictures from the last two weeks


- Zoom calls with my whole district 

- Saying goodbye to my mom :(

- First picture with my new android phone lol 

- My room for 2 weeks

- The cafeteria food 😵‍💫

- Temple pic with the people that made it to class on time 

- Temple pic after we found the whole district haha

- 2nd temple trip picture 

- Mirror we found on the way to the temple 

- Fun extra video of my district singing/playing piano 

- Took pictures of the Elders lol


  1. It's so interesting to read! Thank you and good luck!

  2. So fun to read from you Kesley. Glad to know you are settling well. You're going to do amazing in Montana. You are also a good writer. I hope you consider publishing someday.

  3. I really enjoyed reading these updates. So glad your settling in well. You are going to be amazing in Montana!!! You are an amazing writer!!! i cant wait to follow along your blog and see the amazing journey your on!!! All your fans are excited and praying for you!!! You are inspiring so many young amazing girls and women!! You are for sure inspiring me!!

  4. Soo happy for you Kes Kes. So glad that i got to read on what your doing as a missionary! Will be thinking about you and praying that you can have the time of your life!

  5. Wauw, i love being able to read and see what you do on your mission, can't wait to see mere Kes <3

  6. I’m so glad that you are having a good time.

  7. Miss you this autumn


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