
Long Time No See...

Hey Guys!! Long time no see. Wow this past month was HECKA busy. I am so sorry for not updating you guys for a WHOLE MONTH. Ya'll must have missed me! JK. I missed you guys though. I was going to try and catch up on all my emails from the past month but... that's like 11 emails haha. So I'm going to try my best and update yall in this one email lol.  First off... so much has happened it's CRAZY! I may or may not be a Cowgirl now 🤠😉 March 24-31:  - We did service for a member in our ward and helped him clean out his storage unit - We went to this members house and decorated some eggs for easter! - Easter Sunday was AMAZING! We had so many people come to church and I was able to talk to my fam that day  April 1-8: - We helped this lady rip out her carpet and deep clean her kitchen. It was super satisfying  - We had General Conference weekend! Which is basically where we can watch and listen to our Prophet Russell M Nelson and some of his apostles speak to us on a live


  New transfer = New SISTER!! YAYYY! We got a new sister in our area and she is the sweetest!! She is gonna love it here! This week was kinda crazy! It didn't start off the best :((( but towards the end it got way better!! Highlights of the week: - This is why my week started off not the best... On p-day I had the worst day of my I'm probably being so dramatic but it sucked. I woke up so so ready to talk to Brock and my family and then I remembered that Brock told me his p-day this week got switched to Wednesday!!! So I couldn't talk to him 😩 Now I have to wait another week to talk to him! What will I ever do! Jk jk 🤣 - Well because last Saturday was transfer news... We have some people leaving our District. Rip to Elder Morgan and Elder Richards. Both of them are going to a new area in Montana! I'm so excited for them. They are going to do so many good things! So to celebrate as a District one last time we went to breakfast that morning. It was delicious!

I Think I Like This Little Life...

The trend before I left on my mission was "I think I like this little life" and I literally can't get that song out of my head! It's so funny but SO annoying hahahah! Everytime I start to sing it I think of my mom and sisters and how I just annoyed them so bad with it 🤣🤣   Is this song still trending on Tiktok? Just curious 🙈👀 Anyways this was a very fun week! It was Sister Wooleys Birthday and we did a ton of fun things to celebrate!!  Highlights from this week: - We had Lunch with the Birthday girl and got her this fluffy Green Bunny from Walmart! She loved it!! 🐰 - The elders thought it would be fun to get some decorations and go decorate her apartment door! They asked us if we could help and it turned out so cute!! (Pic down below) - We had extra decorations from decorating her door so we decided to use the rest to decorate the room we have District Council in! I videoed us surprising her and I'm gonna have my parents post it on my Tiktok! So go check it

Will Jessica From Chicken Girls Make a Comeback!?

Remember in 2019 when I got to be an actress for Chicken Girls!? Well my characters name was Jessica and apparently I really do look like a Jessica haha!? Let me explain 👇  Highlights from this past week:  Last P-day, someone invited my district and me to play some pickleball. I was thinking it would be in a small gym with just my district and me, but I was wrong haha. As we were walking in, I saw people who were absolute sweats at pickleball. Like these are the people who are retired from their jobs and play pickleball every single day. I got so nervous to play, but it ended up being so good. My first game was with this man named Mark, and we absolutely crushed the other team! It was a ton of fun!! - We had dinner with the Hatfield family again and I got to see their cute little dog Moki. Everytime we go over there it makes me miss Bailey and Lucy :(  - I guess I look like a Jessica! On Wednesday we had District Council! We were talking about what our names would be if we didn't

It Got Canceled 😞

This week I had my FIRST baptism!! SIKE... Let me tell you what happened Highlights:  - First off, we had dinner with the Boud family on Tuesday night. They have 3 little boys and they were so so adorable! Their house is in this beautiful area a little ways from the city and is perfect for farm land. Uncle Chris I promised I would find some land for you and I think I found the perfect place! 😉  - We were talking to the parents about their windows and how they have the perfect view for the sunrises every morning. Well the next morning we get a text from the wife and it was a picture of the Sunrise that morning. It was GORGEOUS. (The picture is down below) - We made some Easter Pillsbury cookies! If you know Brock and I, you know that we love to make every Holiday cookie they have haha! Had to carry on the tradition while we are away from each other  - The next day we had the coolest experience happen to us. We were out sharing messages about Jesus Christ and had this feeling to go to