Will Jessica From Chicken Girls Make a Comeback!?
Remember in 2019 when I got to be an actress for Chicken Girls!? Well my characters name was Jessica and apparently I really do look like a Jessica haha!? Let me explain 👇 Highlights from this past week: Last P-day, someone invited my district and me to play some pickleball. I was thinking it would be in a small gym with just my district and me, but I was wrong haha. As we were walking in, I saw people who were absolute sweats at pickleball. Like these are the people who are retired from their jobs and play pickleball every single day. I got so nervous to play, but it ended up being so good. My first game was with this man named Mark, and we absolutely crushed the other team! It was a ton of fun!! - We had dinner with the Hatfield family again and I got to see their cute little dog Moki. Everytime we go over there it makes me miss Bailey and Lucy :( - I guess I look like a Jessica! On Wednesday we had District Council! We were talking about what our names would be if ...